How to Partner with BLS

1. Individual donors:– These can be monthly, one-off or intermittently as you find comfortable.

2. Business:– You may want to offer us business opportunities and the proceeds will be used to save lives of mothers and infants. Please click here for the business opportunities we would like to discuss with you.

3. Corporate Entities:– Foundations, companies and societies can consider us in their corporate social responsibility plans. What a worthy cause!

4. Non-monetary support:– You can donate baby clothes, sanitary towels for our teenage mothers, training/ health education materials, tree seedlings (saplings), etc.

5. Consultancy:– We will appreciate the opportunity to handle your consultancy assignments. We have expertise in Project Cycle Management, Data Collection and Analysis, Strategic Planning, Institutional Capacity Strengthening, Monitoring and Evaluation, and WASH Training. Your payment will go a long way in supporting the day- to-day running of our projects.